Saturday, June 7, 2014

Ready or Not

They had no idea, did they?  They could see black and white in front of their noses.  Sometimes.  But really.  They had no.  Idea.

She peeled the orange in front of her and smiled.  She felt the juice of the peel splash into her hands but still her mind was somewhere else.  And with that thought she chose to be aware.  Let them do what they might, she was going to focus on the here and now.  On the simple pleasures like juicy orange peel and its pungent aroma.  Her children, her...

Wait.  How many lives had they stolen?  How many people were waiting for her to free them all?  Was there truth to... and the thought slipped away on her.  Had she truly been meant to be Satan's firstborn?  It didn't make sense.  She was the 5th child.  What was the puzzle piece she was missing?  Thankfully, she didn't know enough about Satanism to figure it out on her own.  Laughingly, she so totally did know enough about psychology to pull the wool over their eyes.  They really were cocky little fellows, weren't they?  Cocky little fellows trying to act big and tough.  It didn't take a psychology degree to know their patterns of behaviour or to predict their next move.

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