Tuesday, July 22, 2014


They were sitting at the kitchen table, Archie, Sandra and Dexter.  It was nearing time to wind down for the night.  Mom had just put the kettle on to boil for the night snack that was becoming a nightly routine these days.   Had others of the brothers and sisters been there, Sandra tried to recall.  How old had she been?  15?  16?

Dad came home.  He'd been at the church "counseling" Cornie Wheeler, Alfrieda's dad.  Alfrieda's dad had been sentenced to two years in prison for the sexual abuse of his daughter.  He'd recently been released early on good behaviour.  This must have been the third or so time Sandra's dad was "counseling" him.  It gave Sandra the heebie jeebies every time.  The blind leading the blind.

Dad came into the kitchen, was still standing when he said it.  "Cornie thinks he and I have a lot in common."  He looked around the room and actually made eye contact with Sandra as he said it.  He looked so insecure and uncertain, like a mouse caught in a rain bucket.  That was one thought flitting through Sandra's mind.  Another one was astonishment that it would be a scrawny, convicted pedophile who would dare confront Dad with the truth.  Did Mr. Wheeler know the truth or did he simply suspect?  Sandra thought Dad's eyes gave him away sometimes - is that what had happened during their "counseling" sessions?

Archie broke the silence - Archie who had no idea what was going on but had a large enough mouth to try to make up for it.  "You mean he thinks you're a pedophile like he is?"

Dad shrugged his shoulders yes.  Sandra couldn't believe this was happening.

"Well, give me a mirror!"   Archie continued.  "Let's put his face in a  mirror and see if he can see any pedophile besides himself.  The two of you are nothing alike,"  Archie insisted. 

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